I'm Audrena Vacirca, a Software Developer located near Seattle, WA.



A full-stack website for playing simple games with a scoring solution.

A source for customizable daily space facts based on user-selected interests.

A python console application made for everyday console fun. Through this text based console adventure you can fight monsters, work your way through a town and explore the land.

A simple Jupyter notebook for rendering different aspects on a chess board.

A blog about Data Structures and Algorithms. New posts as I study.

About Me

I decided to make the leap into software development to give myself a challenge to keep learning, and help others contribute to the betterment of society through technological advancements, ideas, and techniques. I have a strong customer service background, which has prepared me for meeting user and client needs. I believe if you treat every person with dignity and respect and give room for growth, new ideas can flourish!


For Inquiries, find me anywhere.